Commercial & Sales

Head Agent has extensive experience in identifying and recruiting relevant expertise within sales and other commercially driven roles. We understand your challenges in an escalating and increasingly complex competitive landscape where customers demand more. With us, you will find a strong and enduring partner who comprehends your challenges and prioritizes your needs and objectives.

Recruit commercial roles through Head Agent

Head Agent excels in identifying, understanding, and assessing business-oriented profiles. We have been involved in the transformation within the sales domain. Previously, it was solely about customer relationships, but today, success in sales also demands analytical skills and a fact-based approach. We deliver business-critical expertise, whether it's a sales manager, key account manager, or business manager for an e-commerce venture. Furthermore, we continuously work on expanding our network of candidates with relevant and up-to-date experience. The right expertise enhances your business.

Selection of commercial roles

Sales Director Enterprise
Head of sales and marketing sports
E-Commerce Director
Head of Commercial Operations
Head of CRM
Head of Nordics
Head of New Sales
Head of E-Commerce
Sales Manager Sweden
Global Sales and Marketing Director
Head of E-Commerce
Sales Director
Open Solution
1. Contact Jesper

If you want more information or have questions regarding sales and commercial roles you are very welcome to contact me.

Jesper Svärding
Partner Executive Search
+46 763 16 58 79

Contact us

Let us know if you want to discuss how we can help you make the important decisions for your business.